Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The Tyranny of Health Insurance

Forgive me but I am angry. God damned insurance companies get to decide what medications you get to take above the medical opinion of a DOCTOR! Everybody is so worried about socialized medicine, what about the tyranny of the capitalistic Insurance / pharmaceutical industry. At least I get to vote for the people who would be making the decisions in a single payer system. I don't get to vote for the CEO of an insurance company who gets to make medical decisions for me. AND I have to pay an arm and a leg for them to have that privilege. If someone gets between my doctor and me at least I would get a say as to who that person was ever November. When it comes to basic human rights, the introduction of a profit motive is not only immoral but also impractical. Schools, the justice system, health care, and the care of the elderly are too important to leave to the whims of market forces. URGH!!!!!!!