Tuesday, September 18, 2018

The Golden Rule...Don't be a Dick

I saw an article about a bunch of pastors that signed a letter saying that “social justice” was somehow anti-Christian. What a bunch of dicks! And Christianity at its core is essentially about not being a dick, to anyone, not ever.

The Ten Commandments

1. If you live your life chasing money and things instead of opening your heart to spirituality, you’ll end up being a dick.
2. If you become obsessed with superficiality, how things look to other people, instead of opening your mind to something deeper, you’ll end up a dick.
3. If you’re not careful with your language, use words to hurt not heal, you’ll sound like a dick.
4. If you never take time for yourself to be at peace, you’ll get worn out and treat people like a dick.
5. Even if they were dicks to you, don’t be a dick to your parents. It works out better for you in the long run.
6. Don’t kill anyone.
7. If you cheat on your spouse, you’re a dick.
8. Stealing something is a dick move. Don’t be a dick.
9. If no one can trust anything you say, they’ll think you’re a dick.
10. You will never have the perfect life you think other people have. If you become obsessed with trying to, you’ll forget about what’s really important in life and neglect the most important relationships in your life. Those people move on without you because you were a dick to them.

The Golden Rule

- Do you want someone to be a dick to you? Then DON’T …BE… A DICK.

The pastors who signed this letter are clearly dicks and by definition anti-Christian. I think that whatever faith (or no faith) you subscribe to, a good rule of thumb is choose kindness. You’ll lead a less dick-like and more peaceful existence. You just might be able to leave your little corner of the world a more peaceful/loving place. And isn’t that really what spirituality if for in the first place?

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