Friday, December 4, 2015

Our Real Enemy

What fascinates me most is the direct parallels of ISIS dogma and fundamentalist Christianity which I witnessed first hand as a child. (We sang "I'm in the Lord's Army" regularly after all.) They are two sides of the same coin...Ideological brothers. 

Reason, nuance, compassion, Open Minds...these are the best, most sustainable weapons against religious fanatics. Britain, Germany, France have all now approved airstrikes and War is now necessary, yes. When faced with a bully, you have to punch back. We must take a stand against ISIS but it will not win us a victory. 

We will only win when religious fanaticism is rooted out of the hearts of humanity. I'm not sure that is even possible. But until we all, Republican, Democrats, Socialist, People of Faith, People of no Faith… until we ALL embrace reason, dialogue, compassion and take a stand against the religious/political fanatics amongst us, we will have to face the madmen these fanatics inspire. 
Syed Rizwan Farook
Robert Dear
Eric Robert Rudolph
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
Ashin Wirathu
Timothy James McVeigh
Reason, Nuance, Compassion, Humanity, while not as sexy as bunker busting bombs, are the arms we must now take up and fight this growing threat. It is the only hope of victory we have.

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